stark pty ltd






BSc, PhD, FIMechE, CEng, FIEAust, CPEng, MASME




  • PhD, 1971
    University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland
  • BSc, 1st class Hons., 1967
    University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland
Present Position

2004 to present

Self employed consultant

Areas of Expertise/ Special Interests

Mechanical/structural engineer with specialist interests in
stress analysis and the design of products and capital equipment with particular reference to strength and stiffness.

  • FIMechE
    Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (UK)
  • CEng
    Chartered Engineer (UK)
  • FIEAust
    Fellow of the Institution of Engineers Australia
  • CPEng
    Chartered Professional Engineer (Aus.)
  • RPEQ.
    Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland (RPEQ No.5107, Civil Eng.)
  • NPER-3
    Registered in Section 3 of National Professional Engineers Register (Aus.)
    Member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers


Professional Experience
2004 -                    Self-employed consultant
1986-2004 50% partial employment senior lecturer
50% self-employed consultant
1981-1986 Senior lecturer in Mechanical Engineering
The University of New South Wales
1972-1981 Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering
The University of New South Wales
1971-1972 Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering
now University of Technology, Sydney


Consulting Experience

  • During the past 40 years Dr Stark has carried out in excess of 1,500 consulting assignments for both the public and private sectors ranging over a wide spectrum including, fatigue analysis of welded structures, structural design of pressure vessels, plastic products , ladders , machine frames, electrical conduit fittings, plastic and metal furniture and components, medical implants, railway track components, rubber springs, scuba cylinders etc.  was the lead mechanical design engineer for the JLG Liftpod (Gold cup winner in the International Design Excellence Awards (IDEA) 2009, organized by the Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA)).
  • has carried out many investigations for the legal profession including many appearances as an expert witness , in courts from district to federal , coronial inquiries and in many patent matters.
  • supervised for about 20 years, up to 2004, a well equipped laboratory in the School of Mechanical Engineering, UNSW, the main function of which is the mechanical and strength testing of materials and components , and associated research.
  • personally owns a small well equipped laboratory capable of strength testing up to forces of 50 tonnes , pressures up to 80 MPa (approx. 11,000 psi) and a variety of other tests such as hardness.
  • is an active member of SAA committees on pressure vessels (e.g. see ), and the Welding Technology Institute of Australia’s committee on pressure vessels.
  • has carried out extensive research on the structure of ladders with respect to ladder accidents for the Aluminium Ladder Manufacturer’s Association, was one of the most active contributors to the SAA committee responsible for AS1892 (Portable Ladders) and has carried out over 100 forensic investigations of ladder accidents relating to litigation since 1980.
  • In respect of gasket leakage was chief investigator on behalf of …
  • … the Dept. of Public Works and Services in respect of leakage problems with rubber ring jointed pipelines, 760 mm diameter at Port Macquarie , and 600 mm pipeline at Callalla Beach, and
  • … Lend Lease, a 100 mm A.C. rubber ring jointed pipeline re the Thredbo landslide disaster, gave evidence before the Coronial Inquest and
  • … AED Oil Limited in respect of a subsea wellhead gasket leak in the Timor Sea (Puffin 8 subsea oilfield) and gave evidence before an International Arbitration Tribunal, Melbourne 2014.
  • has much practical trade training, gained as a cadet sea going engineer prior to university. In doing much laboratory investigative work over the years these practical skills have been retained and developed, resulting in an engineer with additional competences in a variety of trade skills including welding, fitting, use of machine tools (lathes and milling machines), plumbing; and also much practical experience in electronics and computing with respect to experimental data recording, (i.e. very much a practical engineer, as distinct from solely an academic one).


  • D Ninic and Hugh Stark, 'A multiaxial Fatigue Damage Function' (2007) 29(3) International Journal of Fatigue 533
  • S Illic, D Ninic, Hugh Stark, M Tordon, and J Kutopitiya, ' Effect of road conditions on the fatigue life of an automatic transmission output shaft' (20005) 219(3) Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers 337
  • H Mayer, Hugh Stark, and R Ford, 'Mitigating the Influence of Errors on the Outcome of Design Processes for Industrial Plant' (Paper presented at the Proceedings of International Design Conference, Dubrovnik, 18-21 May 2004)
  • H Mayer and Hugh Stark, 'Designer’s Potential Liability Development Contingents and Representation of Risk' (Paper presented at the 7th International Conference on Bulk Materials Storage, Handling, and Transportation, October 2001, Newcastle)
  • H Mayer, Hugh Stark, and SA Ambrose, 'Review of Fatigue Design of Pressure Vessels' (2000) 77 International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 775
  • DJ Sharman, Hugh Stark, and DW Kelly, 'Validation of a Destructive Technique which is able to Determine Residual Stresses in Thick Walled Axisymmetric Components' (Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Pressure Vessel Technology, Sydney, 2000)
  • DJ Sharman and Hugh Stark, 'Design of Autofrettaged Open-ended Thick Walled cylinders manufactured From Anisotropic 6061 Aluminium Alloy' (Paper presented at the 12th Compumod Australasian Conference, NSW, 15-16 October 1998)
  • DJ Sharman, DW Kelly, J Wang, and Hugh Stark, 'The development of a destructive technique which has the potential to measure residual stress in components of arbitrary geometry' (Paper presented at the International Aerospace Congress, 1997)
  • D Sharman, Hugh Stark, and DW Kelly, 'Alleviation of Quenching Residual Stresses by Cold Working the Necks of Seamless 6351 Aluminium Alloy Thick-Walled Gas Cylinders' (1998) 75 International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 971
  • D Sharman, Hugh Stark, and DW Kelly, 'A comparison of potential methods for alleviation of residual stresses in the necks of aluminium alloy thick walled gas cylinders' (1997) 32(5) Journal of Strain Analysis 1
  • Hugh Stark, J Bau, and DW Kelly, 'A Destructive Procedure to Determine the  Residual Stresses in Thick Walled Cylindrical Pressure Vessels' (1994) 29(1) Journal of Strain Analysis 1
  • MR Haghdoosti, DW Kelly, and Hugh Stark, 'A New Procedure for Accurate Surface Recovery in the Finite Element Method' (Paper presented at the Proceedings of the Second Asia Pacific Conference on Computational Mechanics, Sydney, 1993)
  • Hugh Stark, PW Johnson, J Bau, and K Zarrabi, 'Verification of Determination of Fracture Toughness from Small Specimens' (Paper presented at the Pressure Vessels and Pipework Conference, Sydney, 1993)
  • Hugh Stark and RN Ibrahim, 'Crack Propagation in Aluminium Gas Cylinder Neck Material at Constant Load and Room Temperature' (1992) 41 Engineering Fracture Mechanics 569
  • Hugh Stark, J Bau, and DW Kelly, 'A Destructive Procedure for Determining Residual Stresses in Thick Walled Axisymmetric Shells using Specimen Machining Combined with Finite Element Reconstruction' [1991(2)] Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Finite Element Methods
  • Hugh Stark, G Diermendjian, and DW Kelly, 'Small Specimen Fracture Toughness Testing' [1991(2)] International Aerospace Congress Proceedings
  • Hugh Stark and RN Ibrahim, 'Crack Propagation in Aluminium Gas Cylinder Neck Material at Constant Load and Room Temperature' (Paper presented at the Proceedings of the Australian Fracture Group, Sydney, 1990)
  • RN Ibrahim and Hugh Stark, 'Establishing K1c from Eccentrically Fatigue Cracked Small Circumferentially Grooved Specimens' (1990) 44 International Journal of Fracture 179
  • Hugh Stark, 'Aspects of Structural Design of Injection Moulded Plastic Products' (Paper presented at the New Materials and Processes for Mechanical Engineering Design IEAust Conference, Brisbane, 1988)
  • Hugh Stark and RN Ibrahim, 'Establishing K1c from Eccentrically Fatigue Cracked Small Circumferentially Grooved Specimens' (Paper presented at the Proceedings of the Australian Fracture Group, Aeronautical Research Laboratory, Melbourne, 1988)
  • Hugh Stark and RN Ibrahim, 'Establishing K1c from Eccentrically Fatigue Cracked Small Circumferentially Grooved Specimens' (Paper presented at the Australian Fracture Group, ANSTO, 1988)
  • RN Ibrahim and Hugh Stark, 'Crack Propagation at Constant Load and Room Temperature in an Extruded Aluminium' (Paper presented at the Proceedings of the Australian Fracture Group, Sydney, 1987)
  • Hugh Stark and RN Ibrahim, 'Crack Propagation at Constant Load and Room Temperature in an Extruded Aluminium' (1988) 30 Engineering Fracture Mechanics 409
  • RN Ibrahim and Hugh Stark, 'Validity Requirements for Fracture Toughness Measurements Obtained from Small Circumferentially Notched Cylindrical Specimens' (1987) 28 Engineering Fracture Mechanics 455
  • RN Ibrahim and Hugh Stark, 'Validity Requirements for Fracture Toughness Measurements Obtained from Small Circumferentially Notched Cylindrical Specimens' (Paper presented at the Proceedings of the Australian Fracture Group, Sydney, 1987)
  • Hugh Stark and RN Ibrahim, 'Estimating Fracture Toughness from Small Specimens' (1986) 25 Engineering Fracture Mechanics 395
  • Hugh Stark, RN Ibrahim, and R Krantz, 'Estimating Fracture Toughness from Small Specimens' (Paper presented at the Proceedings of the Australian Fracture Group, Sydney, 1985)
  • Hugh Stark, R Krantz, and R Lee, 'Estimating Fracture Toughness from Small Specimens' (Paper presented at the Proceedings of the Pressure Vessel Technology Conference, Sydney, July 1985)
  • Hugh Stark, 'Types of Stress and their Limits for Pressure Vessels' (1982)  Transactions of the Institution of Engineers
  • Hugh Stark, 'Mechanical Efficiency of Yacht Winches' [1981] Seaspray
  • Stark,H.L.       ‘An interpretation of the Initial Low Stiffness Phase of the In Vivo Load Extension Relationship for Human Skin’ Engineering in Medicine , 1980 Vol.9 , No.4
  • Stark,H.L., Al-Haboubi,A. “The Relationship of Width, Thickness, Volume and Load to Extension for Human Skin In Vitro.” Engineering in Medicine , 1980 , Vol.9 , No.4
  • Stark,H.L.       “The Prediction of limits to In-Plane Compressive Strain on Human Skin in respect of Reconstructive Surgery” Engineering in Medicine , 1979 , Vol.8 , No.4
  • Stark, H.L. “Directional Variation in the Extensibility of Human Skin” British Journal of Plastic Surgery ,  1977, 30, 105-114
  • Gibson,T., Stark,H.L., and Kenedi,R.M.   “The significance of Langer’s Lines”                Transactions  of the Fifth International Congress of Plastic and Reconstructive  Surgery,  1971,  Melbourne.
  • Stark,H.L. “The Surgical Limits of Extension and Compression of Human Skin” PhD Thesis 1971, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
  • Stark,H.L. “Standing Cones and Lying Cones” Digest of the 9th International Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering, 1971 , Melbourne.
  • Stark,H.L. “The extension of Skin in Surgery” Digest of the 9th International Conference on Medical and Biological  Engineering, 1971 , Melbourne.
  • Stark,H.L. “Standing Cones and Lying Cones” Rheologica Acta 10,  83-85 , 1971
  • Stark H.L., Gibson, T., Evans J.H. “Directional Variation in Extensibility of Human Skin in Vivo” Digest of the 8th International Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering, 1969 , Chicago.
  • Gibson, T., Stark,H.L., Evans J.H. “Directional Variation in Extensibility of Human Skin in Vivo” Journal of Biomechanics, Vol 2,  201-204, 1969.


  • Australian Registered Patent Number 2015337799,  'Hot water storage device' (Joint Inventor)
  • Australian Registered Patent Number, 2014904312, 'Hot water storage device' (Joint Inventor)
  • Australian Registered Patent Number, 2009282122, 'Mast lift and mast lift system' (Joint Inventor)
  • Australian Registered Patent Number, 2007231586, Mast lift and mast lift system (Joint Inventor)
  • Australian Registered Patent Number, 2007221791, Slip clutch (Joint Inventor)
  • Australian Registered Patent Number, 2007221789, 'Lever-actuated retractable wheel and movable platform using same' (Joint Inventor)


  • Gold cup winner in International Design Excellence Awards (IDEA) 2009
© 2005 Stark Pty Ltd - Consulting Engineer - Stiffness, Strength and Mechanical Design of Equipment and Products